BEYOND ICFO: Career Paths for Postdocs

Event Details

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The Beyond ICFO annual career event brings together members of the Alumni network to showcase ways that they are applying their training in a variety of career paths. By sharing their experiences with the ICFO community, Alumni are able to introduce career options and applications of scientific training that may not be on the radar of ICFOnians who may be considering their next career move.

ICFO researchers, both PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, will at some point in their career need to weigh the options of continuing in Academia in a postdoctoral or PI role, or following a path that takes them out of academia in a field that values postdoctoral research experience.

This year we have invited ICFOnians who were postdocs at the institute and that have gone on to follow a variety of professional routes, both in and outside of academia. They will share insights on the decisions they made that influenced their career choices.

The event will be held in the ICFO auditorium with panelists joining in online. It will also be made available online to ensure that all ICFOnians and members of the extended ICFO community may participate in.




  • Prof Michael Totzeck, Fellow at Carl Zeiss AG
  • Moderator: Prof Valerio Pruneri, ICFO


  • Alessandro Cerè, Senior ML Specialist Solution Architect at AWS
  • Caitriona Creely, Programme Manager: Data Infrastructures and Personalised Medicine at the Irish Health Research Board
  • Riccardo Sapienza, Professor of Physics at Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London
  • Moderator: Robert Sewell, Head of Academic Affairs


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