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2022 BIST Conference

Precision Medicine: Putting discoveries to work

November 8 – 11, 2022 | CCCB Sala Teatre & Online

The 2022 BIST Conference will bring together the BIST Community and its many stakeholders and partners, both local and international, to discuss the latest advances and developments in a key research area for BIST: precision medicine. The conference main day will take place on November 10th in Barcelona with keynote talks, round-table discussions, selected flash talks and posters. Online satellite sessions will be held from the 8th to the 11th November.


Precision medicine has become an urgent area of study within human health, with significant research efforts ramping up globally since the human genome was first sequenced in the early 2000s. A patient-centred and comprehensive approach to healthcare, precision medicine incorporates an individual’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle into targeted disease prevention and treatment plans, with the goal of maximising quality of life and of healthcare.

The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and the BIST centres drive research in precision medicine through in-depth studies of life-altering disease using a variety of approaches and techniques such as genomics, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, bioengineering, and photonics. The need for such joint efforts has become increasingly transparent amid the current global health crisis, and BIST aims to foster multidisciplinary research to address these challenges.

The 2022 BIST Conference will bring together the BIST Community and its many stakeholders and partners, both local and international, to discuss the latest advances and developments in precision medicine within the BIST centres and beyond. Presentations and discussions will cover a broad range of topics including devices, genetics and genomics, high-throughput technologies, modelling (e.g.: stem cells, organoids, systems biology), non-invasive monitoring and imaging, precision therapies (e.g.: CAR-T), and testing and biomarkers.

Three Satellite online sessions will take place to complement the conference. A first satellite on Arts and Science will open the Conference on Tuesday November 8. On Wednesday November 9, a satellite on Diversity in Science will take place. Finally, on November 11, which marks the first day on the Setmana de la Ciència, a satellite event entitled Es poden fer medicaments a mida? Què és la Medicina de Precisió? addressed to secondary and high-school students will take place.


Thursday, 10 November 2022 (Conference Main Day). CCCB, Barcelona
10:00 Conference Opening


Joan Guinovart, IRB Barcelona Emeritus Professor, BIST Dolors Aleu Graduate Centre Academic Director

Eduard Vallory, BIST Director General

Núria Bayó, BIST Director of Programmes



“la Caixa” Foundation – BIST Chemical Biology Programme presentation

Real-time metabolic analysis of 3D cell culture models: Organs-on-a-chip & NMR

Irene Marco Rius, IBEC Junior Group Leader.

10:45 Keynote lecture

Enabling pan-cancer precision medicine

Geoff Macintyre, Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO)

11:45 Poster session and coffee


Selected flash talks – Modeling, Genetics and Genomics, and Precision Therapies


  • Adrià Cañellas (IRB Barcelona) Metastatic recurrence in colorectal cancer arises from residual EMP1+ cells
  • Judith Guasch (ICMAB-CSIC) Artificial extracellular matrices for human T cell culture and patient-derived organoid formation
  • Francesco De Chiara (IBEC) Micro-lAIver: Artificial intelligence-powered drug screening platform for 3D-bioprinted human liver microspheres
  • Felipe Morillo Sanz Dias (CRG) Can shallow shotgun-based profiling of the gut microbiome improve the detection of host genetic effects?
  • Katyayani Anshu (IRB Barcelona) Mutational footprints arising from chemotherapy due to interplay between DNA damage and repair
  • Raquel Garcia Perez (BSC) The landscape of expression and alternative splicing variation across human traits
  • Vivian Angélica Salazar Montoya (ICN2) Cationic Gold nanoparticles mediated mRNA cytoplasmatic‐targeted delivery for production of CAR‐T lymphocytes for Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia Immunotherapy
  • Giuseppe Battaglia (IBEC) Phenotypic association theory and application in (nano)medicines design: toward personalised nanomedicine
13:20 Lunch and poster session


Selected flash talks – Non-invasive monitoring and imaging, Devices, High Throughput


  • Monica Marro (ICFO) Label-free molecular monitoring, screening, and imaging of human cells and tissues by Raman spectroscopy 
  • Samuel Ojosnegros (IBEC) Metabolic classification of embryos and oocytes based on hyperspectral phasor analysis and machine learning 
  • Clara Vilches (ICFO) A toolbox for personalized plasmonic photothermal cancer therapy 
  • James Eills (IBEC) Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization in NMR for Organ-on-a-Chip Research 
  • Mirabai Cuenca-Ardura (CRG) Genome-wide CRISPR screens identify therapeutic targets for HNF1A-deficient diabetes 
  • Viveka Gautam (IFAE) Development of Single Photon Avalanche Detectors for NIR light detection 
  • Salvio Suárez-García (ICN2) Mussel-inspired membranes for personalized tissue regeneration 
  • Marc Azagra (IBEC) High-throughput analysis in a microfluidic multiwell plate by non-invasive dynamic nuclear polarization-magnetic resonance 
16:00 Coffee break and posters
16:20 A new course to bring new developments on precision medicine to health professionals


  • Juanma Fernandez Costa, Biosensors for bioengineering research group staff member, IBEC.
  • Salvador Macip, Mechanisms of Cancer and Ageing Laboratory Group Leader, University of Leicester. Lecturer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)


Conversation: How to put precision medicine discoveries to work?


  • Emma Blasi, Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs-Development Strategy at Alexion
  • Julio Delgado, haematologist at Hospital Clínic and chair of the UB-Celgene Unit for Cell Immunotherapy
  • Roger Gomis, ICREA Research Professor. Growth Control and Cancer Metastasis Research Group Leader, IRB Barcelona.
  • Salvador Macip, Mechanisms of Cancer and Ageing Laboratory Group Leader, University of Leicester. Lecturer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Moderated by Cayetano González, ICREA Research Professor. Cell Division Laboratory Group Leader, IRB Barcelona.

17:40 Flash talk and poster awards
17:50 Closing remarks


Gabby Silberman, BIST Director General (2017- Oct. 2022)

Joan Guinovart, IRB Barcelona Emeritus Professor, BIST Dolors Aleu Graduate Centre Academic Director

18:00 END
Download the book of abstracts

Satellite events – Online

Satellite Event

Art & Science,
a 21st century re-renaissance?

November 8

Satellite Event

Diversity in Science

November 9

Satellite Event

for Schools

November 11

BIST Conference Committees

BIST Conference Scientific Committee: Jorge Ferrer from CRG; Núria Montserrat and Irene Marco Rius from IBEC; Turgut Durduran from ICFO; José A. Garrido and Víctor Puntes from ICN2; and Patrick Aloy and Cayetano Gonzalez from IRB Barcelona.

BIST Conference Organizing Committee: Gloria Lligadas from CRG; Anke Kleff from IBEC; Lydia Sanmartí from ICFO; Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano from ICIQ; Àlex Argemí from ICN2; and Zoila Babot, Marta Llorens and Gabby Silberman from BIST.

The 2022 BIST Conference has counted with the support of the Barcelona City Council – joint culture and Science Capital


Geoff Macintyre
Group Leader, Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO)

Irene Marco-Rius
Junior Group Leader, IBEC

Emma Blasi
Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs-Development Strategy at Alexion

Julio Delgado
Haematologist at Hospital Clínic and chair of the UB-Celgene Unit for Cell Immunotherapy

Roger Gomis
Group Leader, IRB Barcelona

Salvador Macip
Group Leader, University of Leicester. Lecturer at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)