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ICIQ PhD student receives prestigious Lilly Award

By May 24, 2017ICIQ

Eloísa Serrano, PhD student in Dr. Martin’s group at one of the BIST centres, the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), was one of the three awardees of the 2017 RSEQ-Lilly Awards for PhD students, together with Noelia Casanova (CIQUS) and Enol López (University of Oviedo).

Eloísa carries out her research in the activation of small molecules using metal catalysts towards the synthesis of value-added products. More specifically, her PhD research is focused in the development of new cross-coupling methodologies for the formation of C–C bonds.

As a recognition for the award, Eloísa will present her work in an invited oral presentation during the XXXVI Biennial Meeting of the RSEQ, which will take place in Sitges by the end of June.

With these awards, Lilly recognizes research excellence and the link between the academic field and the pharmaceutical industry.

More information on the ICIQ website