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IBEC researcher in Barcelona Global science session

By July 28, 2017IBEC

Elisabeth Engel, Group Leader at IBEC (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia) was one of five scientific guests to take part in a round table session at this month’s annual general assembly of Barcelona Global at the PRBB.

Moderated by Barcelona Supercomputing Centre’s associated director Josep Maria Martorell, the session, “Barcelona on the Frontiers of Science”, looked at how Barcelona research is pushing global science forward, discussing advances and collaboration initiatives in emerging areas such as 3D printing.

As well as Elisabeth Engel, the session featured ICREA Professor Neus Sabaté from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM), Ignasi Ribas, Director of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC), and Roger Espasa, CEO & Founder of SemiDynamics Technology Services.

Barcelona Global is a private, independent, non-profit association aimed at making Barcelona one of the world’s best cities in the world for talent and economic activity by developing projects related to the competitiveness of the city. These include the International Talent Monitor, a survey of people who decide to work, live, invest, create, and start up in Barcelona, and Emparejados, a programme that supports work placements for partners of international researchers in Barcelona.

More information on the IBEC website.