XI Fòrum FemCAT – Digital Society: Challenges and Opportunities

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: Sala Pau Gil - Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
  • Address: C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167, 08025 Barcelona
  • Categories:

Digitalisation as a national strategy, cooperation between the public and private sectors, and inclusion of companies and citizens can drive greater efficiency in public administration, making it possible to improve public policy and create optimal conditions for the digitalisation of businesses. The 11th FemCAT Forum will act as a hub of discussion and analysis to consider a challenge that requires a joint approach by the whole society. Key proponents of the digital society will take part at the event, both local and international and from the private and public sectors. They will contribute to the analysis and outline their viewpoints on the big questions that emerge.

  • Can digital tools help improve public policy?
  • What repercussions will the improvement of public policy have on businesses and their efficiency?
  • Can digital tools be used to develop talent in business?
  • How can we turn transparency into a tool of empowerment?
  • How do companies reinvent themselves to continue innovating and being competitive?
  • What legal framework is there in Catalonia, and how has it been adapted to the current situation?
  • What can we dare to dream for the future of our businesses?

The Forum will take place on Thursday 11 March in the Sala Pau Gil, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site. Places are limited, and the event will be broadcast live.

Who is the Forum aimed at?

Business people based in Catalonia who may or may not already use digital tools to optimise business operations; political decision makers and representatives of the public authorities to demonstrate what is currently being implemented in Catalonia and to take inspiration from leading countries.

Information: forum@femcat.cat


Programme Registration form