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Vth PhD Day

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: ICIQ - Auditorium
  • Address: Avinguda dels Països Catalans, 16, 43007 Tarragona
  • Categories:

We are excited to announce the fifth edition of the ICIQ PhD Day, an event designed for and by ICIQ PhD students featuring interesting invited conferences, flash presentations, a poster session, networking activities and a fishbowl discussion. This event will be held in October 21st-22nd, 2021 in the Prof. Kilian Muñiz Auditorium (with a maximum capacity of 50 people), as well as through ZOOM Platform.

The number of poster/flash presentations is limited by time (30 posters, 25 flash presentations). Preference will be given to those who register first, but in order to balance the scientific program we aim to include presentations from as many groups as possible.

Register here