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Understanding heterogeneous ice nucleation on natural and designed surfaces to control ice formation

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by Elzbieta Pach, Group of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, ICMAB, CSIC



Heterogeneous ice nucleation is a common process on Earth, with a huge impact on its weather and climate. However, the mechanism of this process is still poorly understood. Thus, the efforts to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this process could help to build atmospheric and climate models with higher confidence. Moreover, being able to control the water freezing would allow designing/preparing surfaces or coatings to prevent or facilitate ice formation. In our efforts to understand water freezing, we study minerals naturally present in the atmosphere, known to be good ice nucleators, as well as design surfaces with the aim to control it, such as self-assembled monolayers of organic molecules or polarized surfaces.



After obtaining my Master degree in Chemistry from the Jagiellonian University (Poland), I travelled to Berkeley (California) where I spent two years in Prof. Miquel Salmeron’s group at LBNL. In 2017, I obtained my PhD in Materials Sciences from the UAB. My PhD investigation was based at the ICN2 under the supervision of Dr Belén Ballesteros using Electron Microscopy techniques to study nanocapsules for targeted delivery of radioactivity (Marie Curie FP7 RADDEL project). In 2016, I worked in a project financed by TecnoAlpin with Dr Albert Verdaguer (ICN2), followed by a Postdoctoral stage in Oxide Nanophysics group (Dr Neus Domingo). In 2018, I was awarded with the Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral grant to work at ICMAB-CSIC in the field of heterogeneous ice nucleation.


Hosted by Albert Verdaguer, Group of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, ICMAB, CSIC


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