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Targeting RNA modifications in cancer

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: IRB Barcelona - Aula Fèlix Serratosa
  • Address: Parc Científic de Barcelona - C/ Baldiri Reixac, 4-12, 08028 Barcelona
  • Categories:

IRB BioMed Seminar

by Dr. Michaela Frye – Professor, Mechanisms Regulating Gene Expression, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany


Many of the hundreds of known chemical modifications in RNA were discovered over forty years ago but then forgotten because suitable, sensitive tools to detect the modifications at high resolution were lacking. Through the development of novel biochemical, functional and genomics tools we are only now beginning to understand the whole breadth and extensive functional roles of RNA modifications in higher organisms.

Michaela Frye will present some mechanistic examples how RNA modifications help to shape normal tissue homeostasis, and how aberrant formation of RNA modifications contributes to human diseases such as cancer. She will focus on the functional roles of selected RNA modifications in regulating metabolic pathways and how they contributes to tumor metastasis and drug resistance. Together, their work demonstrates that by understanding the role of RNA modifications in physiology and pathology, novel therapeutic strategies for human diseases can be identified and further optimized for clinical studies.


IMPORTANT: For attendees outside the PCB community you must register at least 24h before the seminar.


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