Is “DOING” a complementary activity or a fundamental approach to learning?
What would it be like, Nancy Otero wondered, if a school turned its entire curriculum into projects? At Portfolio School in New York, tests, grades and schedules were eliminated, creating a learning framework where DOING became a fundamental piece to apply and internalize powerful human ideas. Four years later, Nancy says DOING is a fundamental avenue of learning, a tool that tangibly shapes a legacy of human ideas while adding personal meaning.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), a process by which girls and boys acquire emotional intelligence, develop empathy and learn problem-solving skills, was gaining strength in schools. We wonder, in light of SEL, what impact the pandemic will have on learning and the well-being of school communities, and what role can social emotional learning (SEL) play as an integral part of education and human development in this scenario.
Finally, in this seventh edition, STEAMConf recovers the initiative ‘Local Experiences’ launched in 2016, which today returns from thanks to the Barcelona Education Consortium, and the CESIRE of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, with much more force driven by the number and quality of innovative learning initiatives that have emerged in Barcelona and Catalonia in the last six years.
Its objective was and is, to provide participants not only with experiences, skills and knowledge, but also to strengthen a lifelong learning community that, knowing and valuing the successful experiences that stand out in the classrooms, abounds in guiding their teaching practice.
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