Resetting between generations: balancing epigenome erasure and memory

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PRBB-CRG Sessions

by James Hackett, EBML Rome



Mammalian embryogenesis is associated with global phases of epigenetic remodelling that reprogrammes the epigenome for development. These events are thought to reset cellular potential and also act as a barrier against the transmission of epigenetic information between generations. Our studies have investigated the balance and mechanisms of epigenome reprogramming using high-throughput genetics and functional (epi)genomics, and identified novel systems that ensure the epigenome is setup appropriately during early development. This is important to prime developmental genes for future activation, and to manage potentially hazardous transposable elements. On the other hand we have also identified sources of non-genetic information that transmit through reprogramming upon genetic and environmental perturbation. Taken together we have gained insight into both the genetic and epigenetic regulation of early development, and identified the potential for inheritance of non-DNA sequence-based information.


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