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Micro/Nano Engineering and Drug Delivery

Event Details

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Nanoseminar in Medicine & Health

by: Prof. Anja Boisen, Technical University of Denmark



Our research center of excellence ‘IDUN’ combines research in nanosensors/centrifugal microfluidics and microfabricated devices for oral drug delivery. This allows us to explore the synergy between sensor development and search for new pharmaceutical delivery tools and materials. I will show examples of recent findings and results within drug/polymer characterization, microdevices for drug delivery and diagnostics. Also, new applications within therapeutic drug monitoring using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering will be presented as well as sensor integration with centrifugal microfluidics platforms.


Introductory talk: “Theranostics: the synergy of therapeutics and diagnostics. What can nanomaterials bring in?” by Enric  Calucho, Doctoral Student at Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group at ICN2


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