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Immune-metabolic mechanisms of cognitive decline in aging / Mechanisms of Hedgehog signaling in regeneration and malignancy

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
  • Address: Dr. Aiguader, 88, 08003 Barcelona
  • Categories:

PRBB-CRG Sessions

by Katrin Andreasson + Philip Beachy, Stanford Medicine



Immune-metabolic mechanisms of cognitive decline in aging

Aging is characterized by the development of persistent pro-inflammatory responses that promote multiple age-dependent diseases. The aging brain is also vulnerable to inflammation, as demonstrated by the high prevalence of age-associated cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), where human genetics implicate disrupted innate immune responses in its development. We have determined that a progressive decline in myeloid bioenergetics underlies development of disease-promoting immune responses. We are also investigating the role of the peripheral myeloid system in development of cognitive decline in aging.

Mechanisms of Hedgehog signaling in regeneration and malignancy

Recent biochemical and structural studies reveal a central mechanistic role for lipids in Hedgehog signalling. These lipid-centric mechanisms will be discussed alongside emerging roles of Hedgehog pathway activity in stem cells or their cellular niches, with translational implications for tissue regeneration and malignancy.