How to write, structure and leverage AI-based support for your scientific abstract

Event Details

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IRB Barcelona BioMed Workshop

This workshop led by Graphit will cover:

  • Where you will submit your abstract and what are the requirements and restrictions?
  • To share or not to share: How to protect your project and still benefit from scientific exchange.
  • How to structure your abstract: From lab book to abstract.
    • Understanding the purpose and structure of a scientific abstract
    • Familiarising yourself with the conventions and guidelines for writing a clear and concise scientific abstract
    • Learning how to effectively summarize the main findings and conclusions of a research study in an abstract
    • Understanding the importance of using appropriate and specific language in a scientific abstract
    • Familiarising yourself with the common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid while writing a scientific abstract
  • Going for the prize: Leveraging AI-based writing support to make your writing bold, clear and polished.


Speaker: Mohamed-Reda Benmebarek, PhD


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