Welcome to FNS 2021.
The third international workshop on the Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems (FNS/2021) will be held online from 19 to 21 January 2021. The talks will be transmitted online from 16:00 to 18:00 (Central European time). With permission from the speakers, the talks will be recorded and upload to the internet so that participants with unfavourable time zones can be updated on the recent progresses in the field. We would like to leave unrestricted access to the talks, so that anyone can listen to them. There will be a virtual poster session. This format for poster sessions has proven highly effective in recent months, facilitating informal discussions between attendees with or without posters.
Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems workshops serve to bring together the international research community engaged in fundamental research on micro- and nano- electromechanical systems (MEMS & NEMS). Nanomechanical systems have emerged as a versatile platform for fundamental science and applications; they are well-controlled, interrogatable, and well-characterized, and fill in the gap between the microscopic world of molecular vibrations and the world of macroscopic vibrational systems. The research frontiers they open lie at the interface between quantum & classical nonlinear dynamics and extend from condensed matter physics to statistical physics, many-body physics far from thermal equilibrium, and nanotechnology.
This will be the third FNS workshop. The first two workshops, which were unanimously considered very successful, were held in the Italian Alps in February 2017 and in Palm Springs in February 2019. They succeeded in bringing together researchers from academia and industry and introduced young researchers to the global scientific community engaged in nanomechanics. The success of these first meetings and the cross-disciplinary nature of the area has led us to work toward holding such meetings biennially. We especially welcome graduate students and postdocs to become active participants in this workshop.
More information here