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Environmental Monitoring and Remediation

Event Details

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  • Venue: Online & In-person
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ICN2 prepares the First Severo Ochoa Workshop on Environment

The workshop on Environmental Monitoring and Remediation aims at bringing together leading academic scientists, researchers, scholars and industry representatives to exchange and share their experiences and results on all the aspects involved in pollutant detection, monitoring, scavenging and degradation. The workshop topics will also cover the life-cycle of nanomaterials as potential pollutants and their impact on the ecosystem. This Action is held within the framework of the 2018-2021 Excelencia Severo Ochoa Programme.

This workshop will allow the opportunity to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns in the field, the practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted. Furthermore, the industrial vision will be of great value to bring focus to the academic research lines.



The workshop will be held in a HYBRID FORMAT next 16-17 December 2021 at Casa de Convalescencia in Barcelona and Online via Zoom.

In-person participation Remote participation



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