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d·HEALTH Barcelona: learn how to become a healthcare innovator

Event Details

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Join Biocat’s free webinar to learn about Design Health Barcelona, the 6-month postgraduate program designed to develop future entrepreneurs and healthcare innovators.

The program, inspired on the biodesign fellowship created by Stanford University nearly 20 years ago, invites participants to experience a full cycle of innovation: from detecting an unmet clinical need to developing a viable solution to address that need, and then designing a business model to implement the solution in the market.

Biocat Innovation Project Manager Àuria Albacete will present the program and give an overview of this needs-driven approach. Then, two former d·HEALTH Barcelona fellows will talk about their motivation, experience as innovators and how they apply their learnings and new skills in their current positions.

All these other topics will be covered in the 1-hour session.

We will also have a Q&A session, when all your questions will be welcome!


Register now
The session will be hosted online on Zoom. You will get an email with the link and password after your registration has been confirmed.


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