BIST synergies | Session 1

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Address: ,
  • Categories:

Call-in depth analysis

This seminar provides applicants with an overview of the ERC SyG call´s unique aim and scope. The features of the call are reviewed in depth, including the one-step submission and three-step evaluation, application content, consortium profiles, specific evaluation criterion, evaluator profiles, etc. After completing the seminar, participants will be able to determine if their project idea aligns with the focus of the ERC SyG call, how to (self-)evaluate themselves as competitive candidates, what evaluation criterion they will be judged against, etc. 





  • Researchers with interest and potential to present a Synergy Grant (Postdoctoral researchers, group leaders and project managers) 
  • Ideally, people with collaborations already stablished with other groups and centres and willing to present a proposal.
  • This training is more informative, and the second one is more focused in getting ready for a winner proposal. Both trainings are independent, people can register individually. 

We will give priority to researchers from BIST centres. BIST, in collaboration with the centres, will select the participants and notify them some days before the event. Registration will be open also to external participants, but priority will be given to BIST members. GraphCAT members will also be invited to all events.

GraphCAT is sponsoring this event, so it will be free for participants.

Register here


Cancellation policy: If you are not be able to come, let us know with a minimum of 48 hours from the first session so we can offer your seat to another participant.


This event is part of the GraphCAT initiative, the Graphene Community of Catalonia.

The GraphCAT project (001-P-001702) is co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with the support of the Department de Recerca i Universitats, with a grant of 50% of total cost eligible.



With the support of: