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BIST Ignite Awards 2020 Ceremony

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: La Pedrera - Auditorium
  • Address: c/Provença 261, 08008 Barcelona
  • Categories:

2020 BIST Ignite Awards Ceremony

The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) is organising the 2020 BIST Ignite Awards Ceremony to be held on March 11, at La Pedrera Auditorium, to recognise the two winning teams of the BIST Ignite Awards 2020 and to announce the five teams selected in the 2019 BIST Ignite Programme Call.

The BIST Ignite Programme promotes multidisciplinary projects of excellence, the fruit of new collaboration among members of the BIST research community. Every year we launch a competitive call for BIST Ignite project proposals and select five winners that receive funding to jumpstart their research collaboration. At the end of the first year of funding, two projects are selected to receive additional funding and a BIST Ignite Award, based on the results obtained, the project’s potential for impact, and the addition of new collaborators from within and outside BIST.

The 2020 BIST Ignite Awards Ceremony will present the awards to the projects BIOSPAD (Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO, and High Energy Physics Institute, IFAE) and BIOVAC (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2, and Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, IBEC).



18:00 h      Institutional welcome
18:15 h




Invited keynote

Dr. Serge Picaud, Department of Visual Information Processing • Institut de la Vision • Paris

“Restoring vision in blind patients: from dream to reality”

Introduction by ICREA Prof. José Antonio Garrido, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)

18:45 h




Announcement of BIST Ignite Awards 2020 by ICREA Prof. Elena Galea, Institute of Neurosciences • UAB
Chair of the 2020 BIST Ignite Awards Selection Panel

Presentation of the 2020 BIST Ignite awardees and their projects:

  • BIOSPAD by ICREA Prof. Turgut Durduran (ICFO) and ICREA Prof. Sebastian Grinstein (IFAE)
  • BIOVAC, by Dr. Daniel Ruiz (ICN2) and Dr. Eduard Torrents (IBEC)
19:15 h  Announcement and brief presentation of the five projects selected in the 2019 BIST Ignite Program Call
19:35 h 


Closing remarks

Ms Maria Àngels Chacon, Minister of Business and Knowledge, Generalitat de Catalunya

19:45 h Light refreshments and networking