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BIST Colloquium Series 2020-21: Ana Janic

Event Details

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How p53 protects us from developing cancer

by Professor Ana Janic of DCEXS


Ana Janic is a A/Professor at the Experimental and Health Sciences Department at Pompeu Fabra University (DCEXS-UPF) in Barelona. She studied Molecular Biology and Physiology at the University of Belgrade and completed her master research studies at European Molecular Biology Laboratories (EMBL) in Hamburg, Germany in 2005. She obtained PhD in Biomedicine at Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB- Barcelona) in 2011. During her PhD, she studied the molecular basis of cancer using Drosophila as a model organism. After completing PhD, she moved to Andreas Strasser laboratory at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia. Her studies helped to uncover how p53 prevents the development of cancer, including identifying DNA repair as an essential process for p53-mediated tumor suppression. In 2018 she established her independent research group at DCEXS-UPF and her research program is dedicated to understanding the complex p53 tumour suppression transcriptional network in different tissues and in the context of distinct oncogenic drivers


The colloquium is part of the BIST Master of Research curriculum but is also open and free for anyone interested in participating.


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The session will be hosted through Zoom online conference application. If you have not used this platform previously, you will be prompted to download the software to access the meeting (the process is automatic and does not require more than one minute).


Next colloquium will be:


July 12 – Stefan Wieser of ICFO