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BIST Career Webinar: Business Development

Event Details

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Getting ready to bring your science into industry:

Becoming a Scientific Project Manager or a Business Developer



This webinar will offer the experienced opinion of three experts in scientific careers in the area of
project management and business development. Dr. Pedro Grima and Dr. Sara Ricardo will share their own experience and insights and Neus Vilalta, as expert recruiter at IBEC, will share all the best practices to apply and how to take the right approach towards positions in industry.

How can your scientific background take you to professional roles in industry? A turn in an academic career towards a position in industry does not imply any failure but rather a desire to expand and progress in one’s professional journey.

Your questions will be welcomed!

Invited speakers


Dr Pedro Manuel Grima Poveda, Portfolio & Innovation Advisor at Ferrer [LinkedIn] 


Pedro is Portfolio & Innovation Advisor at Ferrer, where he is involved in the program in charge of fostering internal innovation and managing some of the R&D projects generated. After his PhD in Organic Chemistry, Pedro started his professional career as a research scientist in Medicinal Chemistry at Bayer A.G. (Gemany) and N.V. Organon (The Netherlands). After 8 years abroad, he returned to Catalonia, joining Almirall as R&D senior scientist. He moved to a R&D project managment role in Ferrer at different positions: first at the central R&D facility, afterwards at the biotech Spherium Biomed and at presset in the Corporate Scienfic, BD & R&D area. He holds a PhD in organic chemistry from University Barcelona, an MBA from La Salle (University Ramon Llull) and a Postgrade in Pharmaco-Economics from Barcelona School of Management (University Pompeu Fabra). For the last 4 years, Pedro has been involved as FTM coordination and associated professor at the Master of Science in Project Management at La Salle – Business Engineering School. He loves cooking and is a passionate Formula1 follower.

Dr Sara Ricardo, business developer and consultant [LinkedIn] 


Sara is Portuguese and lives in Barcelona since late 2011, after being awarded a Ramon & Cajal position to establish her research lines in Cell and Developmental Biology at the IBMB. Sara did her PhD in London at the the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), moving after to postdoc and research associate positions in New York, at the NYU Langone Medical Center. Sara has since left academia and currently works in healthtech as a business developer in an AI neuroimaging company, where she develops partnerships, collaborations and client relationships, to ultimately improve the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases by the use of AI powered tools. Sara also independently consults and coaches on academic and career development issues and has just been elected for a second 2 year mandate as a Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) board member.

Neus Vilalta, Human Resources Technician at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) [LinkedIn]


Neus is HR Officer at IBEC focused on Talent Acquisition, Training and Development. Where she is involved in several editions for International Programmes for PhD and Postdoctoral researchers. Overseeing all aspects for all relevant pre and postdoctoral recruitment procedures. She got a degree in Psychology and postgraduates studies in Selection, Evaluation of Human Potential; and Training and Development of Human Assets. She started her professional career as a HR consultant in various Consultant Agencies. After many years, she moved to a international pharmaceutical company (Merck, S.L.) as a HR Specialist in the Recruitment, Training&Development Department. Afterwards she joined to a Telecommunications company ( Giesecke & Devrient Group GmbH) as a Responsible HR for the Selection and Development Area. During all these years she has been responsible of manage full cycle recruitment process: from Job Description definition to sourcing, recruitment, interviewing, job offer negotiation. Manage several talent initiatives. Drive and participate in Performance plans. The centre of interest in my professional career as a HR specialist is to place top priority on human capital development. She cares and collaborates with some ONGs for disability people and loves outdoor activities, being an intense hiker.


Donna M Ramírez, Academic Officer at BIST will moderate the session


See the video of the webinar