Biostatistics / Bioinformatics Unit: Get started on Statistical Concepts, Experimental Design and Exploratory Tools

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: IRB Barcelona - Aula Fèlix Serratosa
  • Address: Parc Científic de Barcelona - C/ Baldiri Reixac, 4-12, 08028 Barcelona
  • Categories:

IRB Barcelona BioMed Workshop

The workshop will be organised in two blocks. In the first section, you will be introduced to the unit – who they are, what they do and how to approach them. You will then learn about basic statistical concepts needed to understand and communicate biostatistical analyses. Closing the first block, key elements of experimental design will be highlighted: initial setup and planning of your experiment, characteristics to take into account, how to correctly pose the question that your experiment should answer, and the steps required to ensure a successful analysis.

The second section will start with an overview of key research integrity concepts related to experimental design, interpretation and reporting of results. It will continue with an introduction to data management in the research environment and finish with a review of web tools and databases useful for biomedical research.

Please bear in mind that this is a basic course not intended to teach advanced statistics nor programming. If you have attended the research integrity course, you may opt to skip the second section.


  • Camille Stephan-Otto Attolini – IRB Barcelona Facility Manager
  • Oscar Reina: Senior Research Officer
  • Adrià Caballe: Research Officer
  • Lidia Mateo: Research Officer

