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Before mechanobiology had a name

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: Paranimf Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
  • Address: C/ Casanovas, 143, Barcelona
  • Categories:

A celebration of three decades of cell biophysics research in Barcelona

The Barcelona area is currently recognized as an important hub for the scientific field of mechanobiology, and of cell biophysics in general. This achievement is due to the work over decades of local scientists. Among them, Prof. Daniel Navajas stands out as a pioneer in the field, before it was even called mechanobiology. His work led to important scientific achievements in cell mechanicsPerhaps even more importantly, his dedicated mentorship produced a new generation of scientists who have established their own labs and are currently expanding mechanobiology in new directions.

On the occasion of Prof. Navajas’s retirement, we take the opportunity to celebrate Mechanobiology and cell biophysics, with a symposium combining talks from former trainees and invited speakers.

The symposium will honor an exciting trajectory along three decades, but will be focused on current, ongoing research. As such, it will be of interest to anyone interested in mechanobiology, with or without a relationship to the work of Prof. Navajas. 

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