WellBIST workshop
by Marie Trussart
Did you fit in some time to reflect on your objectives for 2023? If so, how do you maintain those goals? Do you want to learn how to keep those goals effectively? Many of us spend most of our time focusing on producing scientific results to get publications and grants to progress in our careers and we are left with very little or no time for reflection.
In this interactive coaching session, we will share tips for sticking to our New Year’s resolutions and other goals, and to promote healthy habits we set for ourselves. We will dedicate time for self-reflection to gain clarity and learn copying strategies to help us focus our energy and promote balance. The objective is to support participants build their careers with engagement. At the end of the session, participants will have the opportunity to create a career action plan that can support them to keep moving forward in their career and achieve their goals. It is an interactive workshop with activities in smaller groups and group discussions.
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