The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), with its centres and ESADE Business School are organizing the 2019 “From Science to Business” course with the goal of bringing more knowledge about technology transfer into the BIST research institutes.
BIST and its seven centres (CRG, IBEC, ICFO, ICIQ, ICN2, IFAE, IRBB) are working together with ESADE to plan the From Science to Business course this year. The programme will include a welcome event at the BIST Headquarters in central Barcelona in the afternoon of May 37th and a six day course at ESADE from May 28th – June 4th. The course is designed for researchers, postdoctoral fellows and final year doctoral students at BIST research centres.
The welcome event will give participants the chance to meet each other and participate in a panel discussion with local entrepreneurs in the scientific field and the course itself will prepare participants to:
• Get acquainted with the business world and learn how companies create value to society and for themselves: providing more, better and healthier food, a cleaner, healthier and safer environment, and a longer and better quality of life and wealth.
• Understand the framework within which companies work and how they create value in a competitive environment.
• Understand the new venture creation process, and the role that science/technology plays in it.
• See that new venture creation needs scientists and engineers, and that entrepreneurship can be an attractive career path.