As part of our mission to promote interdisciplinarity and collaboration, the BIST research centres are organizing PhD students’ visits, one to each centre.
The goal of the visits is to allow BIST PhD fellows and first year PhD students to discover the BIST community through interacting, sharing research, and learning that research at other centres can be surprisingly relevant to their own work. The visits also provide an opportunity for participants to meet regularly and build connections.
On May 23rd, the third BIST PhD visit took place at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). We began the afternoon with a presentation by Jorge Domínguez, Head of Research and Academic Administration, about the institution and training programmes at IRB Barcelona. We then heard from Sarah Sherwoood, Head of Communications, about science communication opportunities available to all members of the BIST Research Centres in terms of getting involved in bringing the research they do closer to society. We then enjoyed a series of scientific talks from: Patrick Aloy (Group Leader of the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology Lab), Juan Miguel Cejalvo (PhD4MD fellow), Helena Roura (PhD fellow), and Francisca Peixoto (PhD fellow).
We toured some of the IRB Barcelona labs with two of the BIST PhD fellows (Oriol Pich and Uxue Urdiroz), and ended the day by joining the COOL OFF Session organized by the IRB Barcelona student council.
This visit gave BIST PhD fellows, who are pioneers of the BIST PhD fellowship program, the opportunity to showcase their work and connect with other BIST PhD fellows as well as first year PhD students in the BIST community.
The next visit will be a joint visit between the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2). We look forward to continuing our journey of discovering the BIST community then.
Please follow us on twitter (@_BIST) and Facebook (@BISTBarcelona) to see real-time information about these visits and other BIST activities.