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BIST takes part in a visit to the ALBA Synchrotron with Ramon Tremosa, the Generalitat’s Conseller d’Empresa

By November 18, 2020November 19th, 2020BIST

BIST Director General Gabby Silberman, along with Ramon Miquel (Director of the BIST centre IFAE) and Pablo Ordejón (Director of the BIST centre ICN2) were among the group of research centre directors that took part in a visit to the ALBA Synchrotron this week, with the Generalitat’s Conseller d’Empresa i Coneixement Ramon Tremosa.

The visit centered around presenting the importance of ALBA Synchrotron’s infrastructures, and attendees included directors of various research centres in Catalonia, all of which are collaborating with ALBA in various projects. Among other joint efforts, the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and its research centres are working with ALBA to create a microscopy hub, which will include the acquisition and installation of advanced electron microscopy equipment at ALBA. The project, a joint effort among nine research entities, will make Barcelona a hub of excellence in Europe for scientific collaboration in this field.

In addition to Caterina Biscari, ALBA Synchrotron Director and the meeting’s host, Gabby Silberman (BIST), Ramon Miquel (IFAE) and Pablo Ordejón (ICN2) accompanied the Conseller during his visit, as well as the Dean of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Javier Lafuente; the Director of EURECAT, Xavier López; the Director of the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Xavier Obradors; the Director of the Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF), Joan Pino; the Director of the Parc de l’ALBA, Pere Solà; and the Director of the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC), Núria Verdaguer, as well as various members from the ALBA management team.

More information:
BIST press release about Barcelona Microscopy Hub
ALBA Synchrotron press release about Conseller’s visit