The BIST Leaderhip course for senior postdoctoral researchers took place from October 3-5, 2018 in Barcelona.
This first edition of the BIST Leadership course for senior postdoctoral researchers was a three day interactive training and development programme for postdoctoral researchers with at least several years of experience in their positions. The course was led by trainers from hfp consulting, which provides professional development workshops exclusively for the scientific community.
The course included sessions for self reflection and goal setting and training in important skills such as time management, leadership, assertiveness, effective communication, and motivation. Ultimately, the aim of the course was to allow a space for participants to get to know themselves better, understand what needs and wants they have in their work and for their futures, and build a cohort of postdocs that will be able to support each other in the future.
Participants left the course with a flury of positive comments, a list of goals to put into action, and a group of new friends.
The course is part of the BIST Talent programme, which aims to attract, retain, and develop the brightest researchers and professionals by providing career development activities that meet their needs at all stages of their professional growth.
Please visit our Talent page for more information about Talent activities at BIST.
More about BIST’s Talent mission:
BIST understands the need to support the different professional careers to help its teams reach a level of international excellence. We follow the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and code of conduct assuming that mobility is inherent in a research career. We are therefore empowering our researchers with the capacities that enable them to work with other research centres in different cultural environments, and to address projects that combine different disciplines or explore business development opportunities related to their research results. We are committed to a global citizen, a global researcher.