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BIST GRADSchool course for PhD students

By July 9, 2018July 17th, 2018BIST, CRG, IBEC, ICFO, ICIQ, ICN2, IFAE, IRB Barcelona

The BIST GRADSchool course for PhD students took place from July 4-6, 2018 in Barcelona.

This 2nd edition of the BIST GRADSchool course was a three day interactive training and development programme for mid-career PhD students. The course was designed using the VITAE framework and led by a team of trainers including Chris Russell, three trainers from the VITAE network and two trainers from BIST, who had participated in the 2017 Train the Trainers Vitae course.

The course provided the 26 participants with transferable skills and tools to take charge of their own careers. It is offered to PhD students currently working at one of the BIST research centres (CRG, IBECICFOICIQICN2IFAEIRB Barcelona).

Some highlights of the course included:

A mindfulness session for participants run by one of the UK tutor

An active sports session run by Diana Vazquez, an elite athlete who represents the Spanish national Taekwondo team at international competitions

Self-organized social events in the evenings

A 1.5hour hike in the mountains

The course is part of the BIST Talent programme, which aims to attract, retain, and develop the brightest researchers and professionals by providing career development activities that meet their needs at all stages of their professional growth.

Please visit our Talent page for more information about Talent activities at BIST.

More about BIST’s Talent mission:
BIST understands the need to support the different professional careers to help its teams reach a level of international excellence. We follow the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and code of conduct assuming that mobility is inherent in a research career. We are therefore empowering our researchers with the capacities that enable them to work with other research centres in different cultural environments, and to address projects that combine different disciplines or explore business development opportunities related to their research results. We are committed to a global citizen, a global researcher.