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BIST funds five multidisciplinary research projects through the 2017 Ignite awards

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The five winning projects of the 2017 BIST Ignite call will receive 20,000€ each to develop their proposals.

The 2017 BIST Ignite Program has awarded five projects from within the BIST Community for their multidisciplinarity and high level of scientific excellence. The winners will have eight months to develop their projects, at which point they will be eligible to apply for the second phase of the 2017 Ignite Program.

The winners are:

Q-SPET (“Quantum-controlled Single Protein Electron Transport”), led by Pau Gorostiza of IBEC and Niek F. van Hulst of ICFO.

PHASE-CHROM (“Role of phase separation in gene regulation and chromatin architecture”), led by Juan Andrés Torreno of ICFO and Catalina Romero of CRG.

SOLHYCAT (“Carbon Materials as Charge Transfer Platforms to Convert Sunlight into Fuel with a Nanocrystal-Molecular Catalyst hybrid”), led by Antoni Llobet of ICIQ and Víctor F. Puntes of ICN2.

2DNanoHeat (“Nanoscale Heat Transport in 2D layered materials”), led by Klaas-Jan Tielrooij of ICFO and Marianna Sledzinska of ICN2.

ENGUT (“Engineered models of intestinal epithelial tissue: assessing in vivo-like functional properties”), led by Elena Martínez of IBEC, and Emilio Gualda of ICFO.


BIST congratulates the winners of the 2017 BIST Ignite Program. We are eager to follow the progress of these projects!

More about the BIST Ignite Program:

The goals of the BIST Ignite Program are to promote the initiation of new collaborations among the BIST researchers, facilitating the exchange of knowledge among different scientific fields and exploring new approaches to address complex questions. The projects must be aimed at exploring new questions and technological challenges through novel multidisciplinary approaches, exchanging knowledge across disciplines, exposing researchers to multidisciplinary environments, and providing new insights to push the collaboration further. The funds awarded to the projects in the first edition of the BIST Ignite Program totaled 300,000€. More information can be found here.