A new centre to host post-graduate studies, named after a woman pioneer in the field of medicine in Catalonia, is now part of BIST.
The creation of the BIST Dolors Aleu Graduate Centre (BIST DAGC) was made official by the publication in the DOGC (Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya – Official Newspaper of the Catalan Government) on August 2, 2019, of its approval by the DGU. The centre is named after Doctor Dolors Aleu, the first Catalan woman to graduate as a medical doctor. Naming its Graduate Centre after Dolors Aleu, BIST wants to recognize her pioneering role in promoting women’s work in science, an area that more that 100 years later still needs strong support and is one of the priorities of our institute.
The centre is affiliated with UPF. The MMRES, currently in its third cycle and offered through the UPF, is envisioned as a future offering of the BIST DAGC, following a formal adoption process.