The BIST “How to succeed in your PhD” course took place during January and February 2019, with a total of 52 participants divided into two groups.
The aim of this training course for BIST PhD candidates was to help them answer the question: “What can you do to make yourself a more effective doctoral researcher and get the most out of your PhD?”
The interactive and intensive two-day programme was designed for first year doctoral researchers and looked at practical ways to increase participants’ effectiveness and meet the challenges of their PhD. The programme covered topics such as PhD project planning, effective working practices, working with others in the research environment, maximizing impact, managing supervisors, negotiating, getting feedback, and planning for the future.
Participants were placed in learning groups to work on a range of activities. From this they gained awareness of their performance as an individual and in a team. They used and developed skills that are essential for a researcher, such as communication, planning, time management, problem solving, leadership and assertiveness, as well as building a greater self-awareness of their learning and working styles.
The programme was developed by Vitae along with facilitators from academia, industry and other sectors to ensure its relevance to PhD research and future careers.
The course is part of the BIST Talent programme, which aims to attract, retain, and develop the brightest researchers and professionals by providing career development activities that meet their needs at all stages of their professional growth.
Please visit our Talent page for more information about Talent activities at BIST.
More about BIST’s Talent mission:
BIST understands the need to support the different professional careers to help its teams reach a level of international excellence. We follow the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and code of conduct assuming that mobility is inherent in a research career. We are therefore empowering our researchers with the capacities that enable them to work with other research centres in different cultural environments, and to address projects that combine different disciplines or explore business development opportunities related to their research results. We are committed to a global citizen, a global researcher.