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BIST centres celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

By February 9, 2017BIST, CRG, ICFO, ICIQ, ICN2, IFAE, IRB Barcelona

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is February 11th. This day was declared as such by the United Nations in order to increase global efforts in providing equal opportunities for women and girls in science and in encouraging their participation in scientific careers or endeavours. These efforts are vital for achieving international development goals and pushing the boundaries of scientific research ever further.

To honour this day, the BIST research centres have decided to organize the following activities to give visibility to female scientists, past and present:

CRG – CRG will be publishing an opinion article by Isabelle Vernos, chair of the CRG gender balance committee and member of the ERC Scientific Council, in the newspapaer el País (section Materia).

ICFO – Keep your eye open for a special video that will be made live by ICFO.

ICN2 – ICN2 is supporting two events taking place on the UAB campus, the Lectura dramatizada “Madame Châtelet i les seves seguidores a Instagram” on February 6th and 7th and the Jornada – Taller “Kit bàsic de la carrera científica” on February 10th.

ICIQ – ICIQ is organizing two workshops on Saturday morning, February 11th, for children aged 6-16 at the Tarragona CaixaForum.

IFAE – IFAE has created a special webpage to honour the day and has organized two days of lectures / workshops on February 10th and 11th.

IRB Barcelona – IRB Barcelona has launched a mini campaign on twitter and facebook entitled ‘What advice would you give to your 12-year-old self?’.