The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), a BIST centre, is part of the SUNRISE project, selected in the 2018 “FETFLAG-01-2018” call. SUNRISE has 20 partners from 13 European countries working towards providing a sustainable alternative to the fossil-based, energy intensive production of fuels and chemicals, based on solar energy conversion and widely available feedstock.
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SUNRISE is one of the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) projects that was selected for the 2018 call “FETFLAG-01-2018” within the research area of Energy, Environment and Climate Change. The SUNRISE CSA received €1 million from the European Commission to develop a detailed feasibility proposal for a large-scale research initiative during one year, from March 2019 to February 2020. SUNRISE’s aim is to exploit solar energy and atmospheric gases such as CO2, water and nitrogen to provide a sustainable alternative to the fossil-based, energy-intensive fuels and compound chemical synthesis process. This is the ambitious goal of a consortium of 20 partners from 13 European countries from science, research and industry, including ICIQ and IMDEA as the only Spanish organizations. Besides, ICIQ is part of the SUNRISE’s management board and it leads the work package of dissemination and communication of the initiative.
More information can be found on the SUNRISE website.